The United Earth Vessel Sol and her command staff. It was the year 2163 and the UEV Sol's mission was to deploy 1,100 solar reflecting satellites around and between the planet Earth and its solar primary Sol (our Sun) in an effort to provide the Earth with an unlimited energy source of solar power. Sadly, there was an unforeseen accident that resulted in an uncontrollable solar wave that sped toward the Earth with enough destructive force to completely destroy the planet if not for the efforts of the UEV Sol and crew.
Named after seventeenth century astronomer Johan Kepler, the ISS Kepler---later renamed the Omicron---was the prototype vessel upon which the ten caravan of starships that left the Earth was based. Equipped with a hydrogen collector ramscoop, this vessel was capable of collecting massive amounts of hydrogen---an element that is in abundance in the vacuum of space---and forcing it into its nuclear fusion reaction engines and was able to explosively propel itself forward thanks to its unidirectional baffling plate within its power plant. The more hydrogen it collected, the more explosive the thrust, the faster the starship could travel, the more hydrogen it could collect (et al). With this constant "putt putt" of thrust it took two years for the ship to reach its maximum speed of point two oh C (.20C) or one fifth light speed. Like its nine sister ships, it took the ISS Omicron, the lead vessel, twenty-seven years to reach the closest star system to Earth, Alpha Centauri. Sadly, the Omicron and the second ship in the caravan, the ISS Omega, were one year from orbital insertion before they and six hundred million Earth citizens each was carrying, were lost. The Nebula , the third ship in the caravan, was the first to arrive at Alpha Centauri and the Earth-like world Omicron.
After dozens of rejected designs the image on the left was the prototype design I chose for the Starforce of Omicron command officers. Note the standard sleeves whereas the final version in the middle sports magnetic arm bracelets. The concept sketch is of Danar Seti, Captain Nebula, the protagonist of Omicron Crisis: Adventures from Alpha Centauri.